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February Specials 2022
Fantastic February Specials at Premier Skin Clinic!

Allergan Dermal Filler Bundle Promos:
- Buy 3 Allergan Fillers and get a free Ultra ($625 savings)
- Buy 2 Allergan fillers and get am Ultra for 1/2 price ($325 savings)

Rediscover what’s under the covers! Man shot or Woman shot
Buy a man shot or woman shot and get one of equal or lesser value 1/2 off
(reg price man shot is $1500 and a woman shot is $1000)

DiVA Vaginal Therapy
$500 off the DiVA series of 3 treatments (reg. price $2880)
$150 off an individual (reg price $1200)

Starting Feb 1: Refer a client and receive a $50 referral credit on your account (upon the referral purchasing a product or service)

Credits for Compliments:
Please post your review on Google or Facebook! Show us your review and we will give you a $25 credit on your account for products or services!