June Specials at Premier Skin Clinic

Event Announcement!
We are having a Biote Hormone Optimization informational event at the office Tuesday June 20 from 5- 6:30 with a presentation and Q&A with our Biote rep. Learn about the benefits of Biote pellet therapy, the effects hormones have on our body systems, the difference between BioTE and other hormone delivery methods and …. how Biote can change your life and health !
1/2 price labs will be offered during the event ($125 – reg $250). Light refreshments served. Drawing for 1 free pellet session. *new biote customers only
*Please RSVP as seats are limited. Lisa@PremierSkinClinic.com
During the BioTE event, all Nutraceuticals will be discounted 20%. All attendees bringing a guest will be eligible for the free pellet drawing.

JUNE Promotions:
- 20% off NOON Masks
- 15% off all sunscreen (NOON, ZO, and Elta)
- Microneedling is just 15% OFF (and 20% for FYC members) *All services must be used within 90 days of purchase.
- Purchase a NOON Skin Care product & be entered into a drawing for a Restart Serum ($158 value)
- 20% OFF Laser Hair Reduction for Bikini and Brazilian packages (series of 6 treatments)
- Meet Susan! Susan has 15 yrs. of experience as a RN Injector. All regular priced services received with Susan during the month of June are discounted at 10%!

Premier Skin Clinic’s Annual Open House Event!
Thursday July 20th from 4:30pm-7pm
Prizes galore and great promos!
Saturday HOURS
We are open Saturday June 17 and July 22 – Make your appointment today!

Updated clinic HOURS
T/TH/F 9-5
W 9-7 (by appointment)
SA (by appointment)

Call 970-221-1285
For the latest news and promotions from Premier Skin Clinic, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. For a limited time, review us on Google to receive a $25 credit! We look forward to seeing you in our office!