Intimacy is an important part of relationships, so if there are challenges in the bedroom, it can feel like a lack of intimacy is weakening the connection between the two of you. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it might be the perfect time to address any problems you have been having, so you can feel closer to your partner and happier in your relationship.
Premier Skin Clinic has been providing the Man-Shot and the Woman-Shot for years with tons of very happy clients!
What is the Man-Shot?
Premier Skin Clinic provides a safe and natural treatment option to erectile dysfunction. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), or blood-derived growth factors are injected into the penis to rejuvenate tissue over time. The process includes 30 minutes to numb the area with a five-minute procedure. No recovery time is required.
What is the Woman-Shot?
The Woman-Shot treatment increases sexual pleasure. Using growth factors from your body’s own blood, also known as platelet-rich plasma or PRP, stimulates collagen and regenerates tissues. The process includes 30 minutes to numb the area with a five-minute procedure. No recovery time is required.
*PRP is a natural substance derived from your blood, which means the risk of side effects is very low. Injections do not cause allergic reactions or sensitivity or run the risk of rejection. After the procedure you may experience mild bleeding, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites. Expect these side effects to subside within a few hours, or one or two days at most.
*To see if you are are a good candidate for the Man-Shot or Woman-Shot, call Premier Skin Clinic! 970.221.1285