Ladies, we gotta talk…
Are you one of the millions, yes, I said millions of women suffering from stress urinary incontinence (SUI)? Do you have urinary leakage with coughing, laughing, exercising? You are not alone. I, too, suffered from SUI. I first realized this while happily jumping on a trampoline over twenty years ago. One jump and….OMG! I peed my pants!
Humiliated, I never shared this incident with anyone, including my doctor. From then on, I conveniently had an excuse for not jumping on the trampoline again. Fast forward ten years and 10,000 Kegel reps later, I was now having to cross my legs while sneezing, coughing or laughing. The closer I came to menopause, the worse the problem became. Still too proud to admit my SUI to others, I voraciously researched causes and treatment options for my SUI.
What I concluded was that my stress urinary incontinence resulted from pregnancy and childbirth, no surprise. The SUI was worsening due to decreased hormone levels as I neared menopause. Oh, the joy of being a woman!
Treatments for Stress Urinary Incontinence
Treatment options for SUI include Kegel exercises (I’m so over these), bladder training, biofeedback, hormone replacement, surgical interventions and more recently, vaginal “rejuvenation” therapy. There are multiple vaginal therapy modalities on the market.
I began researching the pros and cons of each modality, not only for myself, but for our patients at Premier Skin Clinic. What I discovered was that the therapies work by improving vaginal dryness, vaginal laxity, mild SUI or decreased sensation but Sciton’s diVa laser therapy was superior to the other modalities.
Diva Vaginal Rejuvenation Laser
As an owner of Premier Skin Clinic, I was aware of Sciton’s reputation as an industry leader in laser therapy. So when they developed the diVa vaginal rejuvenation laser my interest was peaked.
Studies showed that treatment with diVa vaginal laser therapy improved vaginal tone, decreased stress urinary incontinence, decreased vaginal laxity, and improved sexual function; specifically, with regard to improved lubrication, enhanced ability to reach orgasm, and decrease in pain with intercourse. Sign me up!
My husband (who is also my Medical Director) and I flew to Texas to meet and train with one of the nation’s leading gynecologists who has been instrumental in studying vaginal “rejuvenation” therapies and helped develop Sciton’s diVa.
Personal Experience with the Diva Laser
Taking one for the team, I volunteered to be treated during the provider course. During the treatment there was an unusual sensation of “knocking” in the vaginal cavity but no pain. It took only a few minutes and I was done.
Following treatment, I noticed warmth for an hour or so, but again no pain. I had some minor bloody discharge for less than a day and returned to the provider course immediately following treatment.
Three weeks later, I developed a head cold with a cough, and lo and behold, no SUI. I can now laugh, sneeze and cough without crossing my legs. I personally never suffered from vaginal dryness, painful sex or other issues associated with vaginal atrophy, so I cannot attest to an improvement in these areas, but most of my patients with these concerns have reported an improvement.
So, Ladies, although your partner may notice a benefit with vaginal tightness, this treatment is all about you and foryou!
Contact Premier Skin Clinic today for your complimentary consultation and start laughing again, without the worry!