We are thrilled to announce Melinda Smit – whom many of you have met at our front desk – as our newest aesthetician at Premier Skin Clinic.
Melinda has been a licensed aesthetician since 2003 and is now performing aesthetic services including custom facials, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion at Premier.
Melinda enjoys time spent with family, bike rides, and pickleball in her free time.

In her interview, Melinda discusses her passion for skincare and improving her clients’ lives.
Q: What is your role at Premier?
I am an aesthetician, and I provide regular facials, chemical peels, acne facials, dermaplaning, and microdermabrasions.
Q: When and how did you start working for Premier Skin Clinic?
I actually started a little over a year ago helping Lisa with the front desk, so people may know me from that role. Before that, I was a client at Premier for about three years.
I had my own business as an aesthetician from 2003-2012. I moved here when my mom became ill and took a leave to take care of her for several years. After working at the front desk, I wanted to get back into it. I missed it – I didn’t realize how much I missed it.
Q: Why would you recommend Premier Skin Clinic to those looking for skincare products and medical procedures?
I started out as a client, and I did my research on other medical spas. I originally came to Premier looking for bioTE hormone replacement. Then I realized they [PSC] were knowledgeable on so many other levels, from lasers to skincare products. They sell great skincare products with NOON and ZO.
I always felt very comfortable with the staff. They were knowledgeable, addressed the concerns I had, and took time to visit with me.
Q: What are some common misconceptions about medical spas?
I think it’s intimidating to a lot of people. There’s so much out there – what do you go in and ask for? It’s hard if you have a concern and don’t know what to do about it, or what you can do about it.
Q: What do you like best about your job?
Pampering our clients with a renewing facial is probably the favorite part of my job. I also love seeing the progress our clients get with monthly maintenance. We have a Forever Young Club in which our members receive monthly facials and two BBL’s in a year. This gives our clients a chance to visually see the progress their skin is having from monthly facials with medical grade products along with the BBL’s.
Q: What product or service could you NOT live without?
I love the skincare; I think both product lines are fabulous. And, like I said, bioTE is what really drew me in. For middle-aged women, I can’t recommend the diVa [laser] enough.
Q: What are you most excited about in your new role?
I’m excited just to build the clientele at Premier.
We believe you deserve to look – and feel – your best every day. Call Premier Skin Clinic at 970-221-1285 to book your consultation with one of our team members.
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